Don’t eat heavy the night before the fasting, this is a wrong move
Don’t eat foods that can induce purging like egusi, vegetable, egg,beans
Don’t eat late to avoid being clumsy, and to avoid stooling from indigestion.
Don’t eat from 9pm the night before fasting, have fruit bites but not heavy meals.
Don’t drink so much water the night before, so that you don’t ease yourself throughout the night and be dehydrated by morning.
Eat fruits like cucumber, watermelon, orange, apple, banana the night before
Sleep well the night before the fasting, it prevents you from being so tired
-Never use beans to break fast.
-Never use coke, pepsi or soda to break fast. Drink water first and eat light fruits like watermelon, cucumber, pineapple, banana. You can use red apples to break a fast.
Eat 30 minutes after taking fruits, to prevent indigestion or constipation. Don’t eat both at the same time after fasting, digestion for fruits and food is different.
-Don’t use orange, lemon, grape, lime or green apples on an empty stomach, they may be too acidic for your stomach and can trigger gastrointestinal irritation.
-Never drink garri, or swallow or yam to break fast, you will injure yourself.
-Break your fast lightly and gradually, don’t rush your food before you puncture your stomach walls with wrong dietary habits.
Simple foods like rice, sweet potatoes, Irish potatoes, plantain, very soft bread, oatmeal, fruit parfait, salads
What has been your fasting experience, and how have you been breaking your fast??
Healthy dietary feats